

Insignificant relays the emotions behind one feeling that their self-worth is nothing.

I seem insignificant

Prowling the face of the earth

Yet I feel pain deep in my heart

Resistance to tears but not to pain

Tis too short a time for me to wander on

The face of the earth

As insignificant as I am

For even a lifetime would not be enough

To ease the pain

Enjoy the joy and happiness

To repay evil with good

To learn from mistakes

And to avoid sorrows and suffering

Tis too short a time

For all is null and void

For who is without envy; should be granted today

Who is without pain; should be granted a few hours?

Who is without suffering or sorrows?

Should be granted a few minutes

Who is without jealousy, malice, or even pride?

Should be granted but a few seconds

But he who is without a single iota of love

Should be struck dead!

As one’s mind wanders, so does the feet

The heart and hopefully not the soul

Insignificant not to God

But certainly, to man

How do you erase the pain?

And replace it with joy

How do you avoid hatred?

And accept love at all times

Why are we hurt and always cry by

And for the ones we love

All these things affect me

All these I feel

Yet I seem insignificant

What would my opposite feel

You wonder

If all of these I go through

As insignificant as I am



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