

Sadness. Whether its within the family, workplace, relationship or even our mental health. we can get so sad & fall into depression & it all goes bad

I am far away from happiness

Pain tightens my heart

In anger my judgment is clouded

Anger boils my blood and freezes my heart

That I cannot remember what the annoyance was about

And all that is left is sadness


I am lost in nothingness

And full of sadness

One I cannot share nor dare speak of

Not because of fear – No

This heaviness in my heart wrapped in sorrow

The pain in my chest brings agony to my soul

Has become a torment in my flesh


My teary eyes are tired of spilling water

For it helps me not

Rather, reminds me of my mistakes which burdens me more

Life does not end here but the will to live is slowly slipping-

Through my fingers


I look for whom to draw strength from

A shoulder to lean

A word of hope but tis all scarce

Opinions of me spread like wildfire

But that does not hurt

What hurts is that none can-

And is willing to bear with me and listen





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