

Peek-a-boo is states how you feel like life has happened to you. the bad sides pop up & do does the good. Find a balance

Peek a boo the moon played with me

As I used its glowing light to guide me through the dark night

Hoping it leads me to the right path


Peek a boo, life has toyed with me

As she hammered over and over

Knocking me into one bad situation after another


Peek a boo, my mistakes stare right back at me

A constant reminder of how imperfect I am

Forcing me to grow up and make the right choices


Peek a boo, I see you

My reflection glares back at me

And in that moment of silence

Speaks to me


Peek a boo, my little ray of hope

Tis what keeps me going

Tis what keeps me sane                                                                                               


I tell myself over and over

To keep believing and never let it waiver

Waiting for the sun to cast its light on me

Peek a boo, I wait for that day


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