My Drunken Lover


A woman trapped in an abusive relationship. One with a drunken lover...

My stallion of immense beauty

He smiles and I feel giddy inside

But with a drink in his hand

He becomes guilty of that which he will do

When he loves me, it is pure

He needs not to say it, for I see it in his eyes

Those eyes...

One that pulls me in and renders me helpless

As his intentions are made clear in them


He fascinates me and urges me on

To ride with reckless abandon with him

And for a while, all is perfect and bright

Until he goes dark

With his drink fueling his pain

His hate begins to grow

And as he turns to me

Those eyes that spoke volumes

Alongside the lips that sealed the promise

Begins to whip me – hard

Those hands that ever-so-lovingly

Left trails of passion on my flesh

Begins to tear at it

Until it reddens and swells

And succumbs in submission

To his ruthless wrath


As I am left to cry and wonder why I still stay

Endure and love him

I am reminded as he comes back

Pulling me to him

Cajoling and begging

Kissing and touching

And as I looked up and gazed into his eyes

I knew that I was damned to be trapped in his drunken love

For in those eyes, I saw who he was, is, and could be

If only he would part ways with the drink

As I cry and will myself to leave

He kisses me and renders me helpless

As he takes me to a blissful ecstasy

And heals my every wound


If one does not come to my rescue

I do not know if I would be able to leave

For he loves his drink and it and I love him

He is drunk from alcohol and I, drunk from his love.


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