Evading You


Torn between emotions. In trying to protect yourself [heart] from being bruised [or hurt] you loose the chance to experience something that might be worth it. Fear stops you.

Evading you. . .

How long will I continue to evade you?

How long will I continue to turn a blind eye to your efforts?

How long will I render to you, deaf ears?

All in the name of fears and what ifs

Each day I put up an act

Yet you do not budge

Almost like you can see through me

Knowing tis all an act

Yet, I see the hurt in your eyes with each rejection that I serve

Each day I fear that you would not return

But you do

I fear I would give in to you


How long will I continue to say no?

Yet accept your every invitation

How long will I contemplate whether to say aye or nay?

Even when I know

My heart resides with you

How long will you continue to wait?

Patiently and quietly by the sidelines

Until you tire and get rid of me

How long until my foolishness makes me lose you






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