I am Satisfied

Expectations vs reality. Basking in the knowledge that I am satisfied with the man I am with and happy about it.

I see him and my heart does not skip a bit,

I think of him and there are no butterflies in my tummy,

I am with him and there is no electricity,

Not even a spark is ignited,

Although I do not know him,

The book says I should feel that way.

As time goes by he tugs at my heart,

A piece of him does.

He is not the man I thought I would have,

For I have been brainwashed by one too many novels and movies.

I had dreamed up a man with blue eyes,

One who would display an attitude so chivalrous,

At the same time be mine and he, wildly intense with me

The movies told me so…

The more I think about it

The more the thought of my ideal man seems to be vague

For my expectations are unrealistic

And based on what I have read and watched

Not what I know, want, and need

This man that beckons me

Has been there for a while

Slowly and gently made his way to my heart

And I begin to understand and see,

That he is better and just right

For he possesses all I want and need

And as time goes by

The sparks come in

And my heart does skip a bit

But there are no butterflies

Nor blue eyes

And if I never have them,

It would not bother me

For what I have is real and all mine

And with that I am satisfied.



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